Because #StrayLivesMatter
According to Pet Homelessness Index, in 2019, there were about 7.1 crore stray dogs and cats in India. So to kickstart 2023 right away, we’ve decided to offer free online vet consultations to stray dogs and cats in need. Spread this word among your friends and family, and let’s ensure that every stray animal get’s the treatment and love that they deserve!
To determine the genuineness and authenticity of the case, our support team will require you to answer a few questions.
1) In case of accidents, fractures or emergencies, we request that you visit your nearest clinic. You can talk to our doctors for quick treatment if you do not find anything.
2) We provide free online vet consultations, subject to the doctor’s availability.
3) We do not provide medication. You must purchase it at a pet store.
4) When the person is availing of free online vet consultation for a stray, they must complete the treatment course suggested by the vet or admit the animal to the nearest NGO or rescue centre.
2020 Pet Homelessness Index
3 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Strays, Not Shop!
Stray Animals Are Proven Intelligent!
Many studies have proven this theory that our stray dogs and cats are much smarter as compared to pedigree breeds due to their daily lifestyle and the ability to perceive human gestures easily.

Stray Animals Are Very Cost-Effective
Stray animals tend to have robust immune systems. They are easy to maintain, eliminating expensive grooming and vet visits. The best part is you don’t have to pay a single penny when you adopt them!

Stray Animals Are Undoubtedly The Cutest!
There’s nothing better than the feeling of adopting a homeless stray and knowing that you provide the life and home they deserve. Your pet will stay forever loyal to you for the kindness you’ve shown them. Remember, a stray animal’s heart is the same as a pedigree dog’s!