Jaldee Vets

grooming a cat

Pet Grooming Tips For Dry Winters

During summer, we are vibrantly concerned with the grooming of our furry friends. Since we frequently take our pets out for walks and exercise, we routinely focus on catering to their grooming requirements and skin care pattern. However, during winter, we prefer to keep our pals indoors for most of the time, owing to the chilly weather blooming outside. Despite the prolonged indoor stays, winters can also affect your pet’s dermatology. Grooming forms a crucial part of the pet care routine, irrespective of the weather. 

We let the fur grow wild and free during winters assuming it to be a rough solid protective coat for our pals. But to our dismay, this protective layer can also become a nuisance if left unattended and uncared. Sometimes fur develops matting, evading warmth, invoking discomfort and pain in pets. Matting is also a beacon for skin problems in your furry friend. All of these testify that grooming isn’t just beauty care for your lovely pal but forms an essential part of their health care routine. Worry not, for we are here to help you care for your pup better amidst the changing weather. 

Say no to dry skin

It’s common for humans and animals to grow dry skin in this moisture-less chilly weather. The bane of dry skin is well excruciating but can be cured with just a little effort at moisturising and care. The wind and the indoor heater-forced environment can lead to chafing and dryness of the coat. One way to do away with those is to apply highly moisturising shampoo and conditioner to your pal’s fur coat. Using moisturising oil is also a suitable means of restoring the moisture and glow of the skin. Supplementing food rich in the nutrients required to flourish moisture is also very helpful. 

Keep the brush handy

In winter, we let that shiny fur go long and free. While extra coating for warmth is good protection, leaving them unattended is not the way to go about it. Instead, brush them regularly to get rid of the tangles, dust, dead hair etc. Brushing also distributes concentrated oil and increases the circulation of the skin. Long coats in winter can also become home for lumps or sores, so combing regularly can help you detect such bugs earlier. Consult an online vet immediately if you find any such bumps. 

Let’s not keep winter bathing at bay

Contrary to what we may think, dogs are suited for bathing throughout the year without catching any severe maladies if done moderately. The long coat in winter can cause matting or tangling, so it is advisable to bathe your pet to keep those coats soft and fluffy. So much indoor in the heated rooms can also produce that nasty dog odour which can be prevented with a fun shower. 

However, you want to ensure that the bathing time is limited and that your dog doesn’t catch a cold. Always keep your pet dry before, especially while heading out, for a wet dog is more likely to get down sick. A dog dryer is also helpful to keep them dry after bathing. Try not to expose them to the cold air outside just a few hours after cleaning. Wrap them with dry, smooth towels or blankets to keep them warm and sound. 

Pause to groom paws

Outside during the cold season can expose your little friend to cracked pads, infections from snow, mud, low temperatures, and so on. You can prevent these by simply wiping their feet dry after every expedition outside. Always keep a dry towel at your disposal so you can dab off all the wetness from those nimble paws of your pooch. 

Trimming shall not perish

Trimming becomes more frequent in winter than it was in the former seasons. Since your dog spends most of its time in the comfort of your home-sweet home, it’s only natural that those nails will grow longer. Outings and walks help in wearing down the long nails. However, as we cut on winter outdoor tours, we must decently and cleanly groom those nails. 

Winters are no cakewalk, but it is not that hard if all the preparations have been put in order beforehand. Above are some tips to help you keep your woof-woof shiny and beautiful as they are during this winter. Happy winter and happy parenting, folks!

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