Jaldee Vets

rabbit sitting on a carpet

Making Winters Warm For Your Rabbit

Rabbits are naturally somewhat prepared for cold, given their thick coats and soft furs, which provide an innate layer of protection. However, rabbits do not tend well to extremely cold temperatures and may fall sick quickly enough. Indoor rabbits are even more prone to cold weather and the diseases it brings with them. Bub bunnies can happily sustain indoors and outdoors. But they can use some extra layers of protection to keep them warm and tight. So, here we bring to you some tips to help you make winter warm and cozy for your baby. 

Shelter them from external components

Hutches should be structured so that there is no scope for wind, air, rain, or other natural externalities to make way to your furry friend. Shield it with a hutch cover to prevent any foreign substance from injuring or hurting your babe. A thick waterproof blanket can also be used, but it’s advised to keep it away from your darling to avoid them chewing on it. Keep their shelter covered and protected and yet leave ample room for ventilation. 

Always Dry

The chances of your baby bun getting sick are heightened if left in a damp situation. Make sure the hutch or home they are in is dry and warm. If water has somehow made its way into their space, you might need to shift their homage situation or dry it clean and warm. 

Warmth is what they need

Holding them warm would keep the cold at bay. Hay helps insulate warmth, but if the cold is pretty high lately, use soft straws as they serve the purpose much more warmly. Extra bedding also assists in emanating extra heat and dodging cold. Change their bedding regularly but ensure that the heat doesn’t directly affect their skin. 

Say no to freezing, chilling water

The water left in the bottle for hours can freeze up, and the cold water might make your bunny sick. To prevent that from happening, routinely check the water ball and change it if it’s frozen. They are bottles specially designed to keep the water regular, but it’s always advisable to keep the checks on. 

Feeding hay is good

More calories and good food keep the body temperature warm and aid in fighting the cold. To accentuate that, feed them hay which would insulate heat in the body. 

Provide them with good quality hay to chew on and keep their body warm and fuzzy.

Keep them socialized and protected

Rabbits are instinctively social beings, so putting them in pairs or small groups is recommended. This will help them in deriving warmth from each other.  

Also, protect them from predatory species like foxes or cats. Shield the hutch in a way that provides solid protection from predators. 

Never say never to exercise

Exercise has no season; it’s a traditional rite to keep ourselves healthy and to go. Exercising running would help keep their stamina in place and provide them with enough warmth to fight the chill outside. 

Winters can be lonely and scary, but with love and care, even winters’ cruelty can transform into a vastness of warmth. So, make this weather of breezes comfy and cute for your bunny bun. Take notes from the above tips to make that happen. Follow JaldeeVets Blogs for more information and tips for your lovely pet. 

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