Jaldee Vets

stray animals on the road

Keeping Stray Animals Safe During Diwali

The vibrant season of jubilee lights and fluorescent earthen pots is right around the corner. The time of the year when the entire city is perfumed with colors of happy gleams, with joy plastered in every nook and cranny. When sweets become the vernacular of town and sparkle embraces every kid’s enthusiasm. Amidst the oozing happiness and bonafide celebrations, we often spot instances of utter negligence on the part of humans regarding the safety of the environment and its entities. The commotion of noise bustling everywhere may become too overwhelming for the humble stray animals strolling the streets amid festivities. The pollution and other aspects of Diwali negatively affect these stray animals. This year, we come to you with some tips for keeping stray animals safe during Diwali. 

Hydration to keep anxiety at bay

The voluminous sound of fireworks and loud music often disorients humans, let alone the helpless creatures of the environment. The abundance of noise columns in every street and lane may induce extraordinary anxiety and panic in street cats or dogs. In such situations, water can ease some of that distress. Thus, place a bowl of water outside the perimeter of your compound to help these bubs hydrate themselves conveniently. 

Welcome them inside

This Diwali, open your doors and hearts to our lovely furry babies to make them feel safe and sound amidst the burdening chaos. Please provide them with a secure spot in your house, garden, or parking area. You can also make a space for them in the shared parking lot of your society compounds. Make sure to spread the area with sufficient food or water so that your little friend doesn’t have to run around looking for the same and injure themselves in the process. 

Protection from lightning shocks

The dazzling lights forever remain the highlight of this festival. They are a pleasing sight to behold, not just for humans but for animals too. In the fascination of this dazzle, stray animals might be tempted to go around these lights and may even go on to touch them. Since you have no control over their sight and touch, you can make sure there are no loose ends or dismantled wires hanging around, for this can electrocute these pals, causing severe injuries. 

Burst crackers away from animals

It is a known fact that people will burst crackers and enjoy the fireworks; stopping that is probably no option. But it’s well within our hands to pursue everyone to do it wisely, keeping stray animals safe during Diwali. Burst crackers in a place away from animals so that you don’t end up causing them any discomfort or duress. 

Emergency contacts on fingertips

As often said, it’s always wiser to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Keeping that in mind, ensure you have the list of all emergency contacts in your phonebook just in case things go sideways. Contact vet helpline services immediately if or when any emergency strikes up. 

Drunk in the joy of celebrations, do not let go of our responsibility as responsible citizens. While enjoying the festivities, do not compromise the comfort of stray animals. Above are some tips for keeping stray animals safe during Diwali. If you find any stray animal hurt or injured, consult Jaldee Vets online for emergency help. 

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