Daycare can be an exponentially beneficial boon for your dog when done with substantial consideration. From deducing separation anxiety to invoking mental stimulation, keeping dogs active, and preventing accidents along with developing socialisation, daycare brings vast improvement and development in your favourite pal. But the fate of this crucial task comes down to your wise decision. When investing so much money into something, the goal should be to provide your dog with the best daycare. For the same purpose, you should be aware beforehand of all the pros and cons, along with the consequences of specific instances, while availing of daycare for your sweetheart. FIGO mentions the first five essential things to notice while looking for the ideal daycare. Below are some significant rules you should remember before going daycare-hunting.
Age Factor
Different places have differentiated age policies. Some daycare centres take in a pet within 12 weeks, while others require you to be at least six months or a year older. It is recommended to look for such regulations and requirements beforehand.
Vaccination Requirements
The importance of vaccines goes without saying. Every legitimate daycare centre strictly has its vaccination policy in line. Vaccinating your pet before getting them into any pet care services would be best. The American Animal Hospital Association’s Canine Task Force considers Canine Parvovirus, Canine, Distemper, Hepatitis, Rabies, and Leptospirosis core vaccines. Consult an online vet for more intel on other non-core vaccines that may be required.
Attendance can be a thing
Pet care services or daycare for dogs are in high demand, which leads to these daycare centres keeping tabs on every dog’s visit. Such attendance policies may require you to make early reservations. It can also include a fixed number of visits your dog can avail in a particular week. Check-in for such policies before enrolling your dog in any daycare facility.
Parasite Preventives
Parasitic infections are prone to spread rapidly. It’s crucial to put your dog on flea and ticks medications to prevent their further spread. Regular Fecal exams are also deemed necessary. Non-adherence to these can lead to parents being charged for treatment services.
Collar Policies
There are daycare facilities that don’t allow the usage of chokeholds or buckle collars that are rigidly fixed, for these can threaten other dogs in the facility, including yours. Quick-release or the snap-on collar are highly recommended for daycare.
When sick, stick to home
Parvo, distemper, kennel cough, ringworm, and canine influenza are contagious diseases found in dogs. Puppies who have contracted the same are strictly recommended not to visit daycare. It can lead to the spreading of the disease in other pups too. Even though your dog is fully vaccinated, the chances of contracting into other dogs remain. Keep your pooch home at any show of symptoms and bring them back to daycare only after being declared healthy by a certified Vet.
Every unique breed of dog has different requirements, so keep in mind the differentiated needs of your dog when getting them into daycare. Whether the reason is socialisation or just finding a refuge while you are away, you must do your research to ensure your dog remains in a safe environment while you are off to work. Book an appointment in Jaldee Vets to have more intel on the health and well-being of your pooch.