Jaldee Vets

Anxiety In Dogs – Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

The overwhelming wave of fear, dread or restlessness flooding your way, paralyzing even the most reliable, focused parts of you, is excruciating and terrible. The stroke of crippling ache that hurls your way unseen, unhinged, ends up making you a living mess, commonly known as anxiety. Anxiety in dogs is not a new thing, it’s always been there, and every pet owner needs to be aware of its causes and consequences. The unnecessary screeching, tearing holes in the mattress, and restless strolls through the house aren’t out of nothing but because of the specific malady of anxiety. It can be excruciatingly painful and troublesome to watch your pup go through episodes of anxiety. But the mere refuge of a behavioural or psychological disturbance in your puppy doesn’t make them a lost cause. There are plenty of options to help calm your anxious dog around this time. 


There isn’t a particular reason for why and when anxiety happens. A string of logic has been building up for a long time, showing itself in small and subtle hints and eventually bursting out huge when overwhelmed. 

The reasons for the same could be abandonment issues and facing aloofness from loved ones all of a sudden. Anxiety can also stem from fear, certain sounds, thunder, loud music, and a place or new environment. Separation is another cause for igniting anxious distress in your pup. Anxiety problems are also reported owing to age-related issues. 


The common signs of anxiety can be detected through a display of aggressive behaviours or frequently acting out, excessive indulgence in inappropriate or mischievous acts. Some highly found Symptoms of anxiety in dogs are excessive barking, drooling, overly enthusiastic behaviours, aggression, biting, snarling, pacing, escaping away, and so forth. 

How to help

There are treatments and medications to help your dog cope with this anxiety. But some easy-to-exercise home therapies can help you during this time.

Managing the environment helps

Organizing an environment that is friendly to your dog’s needs can work wonders with their anxiety issues. An ambience favourable to your pup’s taste can help calm anxiety or reduce it. Providing them with a separate space where they can hide out or relax, take some time alone, or whatever to deal with things independently for a while. Also, try keeping exciting things around. There are toys available in the market that works therapeutically for pets. Food puzzles and brain-teasing activities help divert your pet’s focus from fear or anxieties and towards more positive and cheery things.

Exercise it out

All of that anxiety ends up building an abundance of energy at times. No better way to shred this extra energy than by exercising it out in the open. Take your dog on long walks, have a long playtime with them, indulge in sweat-inducing workouts and much more. Try tiring out your pal while also spending a reasonable amount of time with them. Exercise helps release endorphins which reduce stress considerably.

The physical touch of loved ones is kryptonite in relieving stress and calming a person down. Like their human counterparts, there is nothing more dog appreciates or craves than your sweet little touch of concern and affection towards them. Some good old cuddling and petting help way more than you think.

Professional Therapy

There is often a limit to what is humanly possible. It won’t be strange to seek professional help to eliminate your pet’s anxiety. As in humans, neurological issues may require some extra care at times. Online vet consultation for the same is recommended. Consumption of prescribed meds, supplements, and therapy can help restore balance and calm your pooch. 

Anxiety in dogs can be problematic for humans as well as pets. But there is a way out of the worst of concerns. Have faith that you are not alone in this and that your furry babe will get out of the scourge and come out bubbly and Vivienne. Immediate online vet consultation at the early stage or initial detection of signs makes it easy for you and your pet to navigate through this turbulent journey. Please book an appointment at Jaldee Vets to understand your canine’s behaviour and be the most supportive parent during the process. 

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