Jaldee Vets

nutritious diet

A Must-Follow Nutritious Diet For Dogs In Winter

When the weather takes a chilling turn, and the sun becomes a distant guest, when days don’t seem to start enough before dusk knocks at your door, when the night seems long and months longer still, you know that we have descended into winter. A change of weather follows the change in season in lifestyle, daily habits, dietary practices and other life schedules. 

Not vastly distinguished are the lives of our pets. They feel the same drag of winter blues as we do. Cold weather does not just affect the length span of day and night but potentially influences our health, weight, and nutritious diet for dogs, all of which are interrelated. Comfort foods are comforting for everyone. The frightening cold outside may make your dog crave warmer and tastier food. Certain delicacies would best fit your pooch this winter. 

Coconut Oil

We are all aware of the rich benefits of coconut oil first-hand.  Coconut oil can be the best friend your pooch needs this winter. With the qualities of boosting immunity and improving digestion, oil consumption also benefits by maintaining a healthy coat and skin. 

Apart from supplementing in their diets, you can directly apply it on their paws and fur to keep the dryness at bay. 

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Proteins are a must for this season of dreadful cold. Do not compromise the protein intake of your furry pal, as they can use all the strength in their bones to fight off winter. Since warm edibles are what your pet desires the most, go for chicken soup. Keep the soup bland, with fewer salts, for they are considered unfit for a dog’s digestive system and lots of chicken. 

Try out the delicious recipe and treat your babe with excellent delight. 

Say yes to Hydration 

Once a wise man said, “Always stay hydrated”. Well, this wisdom must live on through all seasons. Always ensure to keep your dog fully hydrated. The coldness in the air might not awaken enough thirst for water, but your dog requires plenty of water to function well. Dry skin and cracked paws are direct signs of dehydration. Keep water bowls easily accessible to prevent your pet from getting dehydrated. 

This Winter, Go Green 

A quick tour down nostalgia road, where mum fed us Spinach by exemplifying our beloved Popeye. We are all well acquainted with the many health perks of green veggies per se. Vegetables rich in vitamins, fibre, minerals, and antioxidants should be fed to your pawed friend to keep those bones and arms strong. Spinach, kale, beet tops, carrot tops, dandelion leaves, and parsley are some green vegetables to keep your pup healthy and away from cancer or heart disease risk. 

Tis’ the season for berries

A healthy immune system is a rock-solid way to wave off the creeping lethargy, dullness and indolence. A nutritious diet for dogs should involve abundant Vitamin C and antioxidants. Berries are a great source of all the listed nutrients. Sprinkle your pal’s winter diet with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries to keep them healthy and wise. 

Winters make us lazy, which is also true for our pets. Improve the nutritious diet for your dogs by adding darling fresh raw, cooked food rich in moisture and low in carbohydrates. Food high in moisture will keep the coat soft and robust, fueling energy in your pet. At the same time, the lack of carbohydrates will shove off the lethargy. Jaldee Vets offers some food advice to help make your diet planning easier. Stay tuned for more!  

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