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Diarrhoea In Pets: Signs, Causes & Home Remedies

Nobody fancies an upset stomach. There is possibly nothing you despise more than long hours in the toilet, exhausted and sick to your stomach. Diarrhoea in pets refers to a medical condition when your dog excretes loose or watery stool and often more than usual. It is a common problem in dogs, but the intensity continuously varies. Sometimes, it’s just a symptom of some other disease, or sometimes it’s the disease itself. At times it’s mild, and at times it’s deadly, which usually happens when it goes untreated for long. 

Signs To Watch Out For

Consult an online veterinarian to know extensively about the signs of diarrhoea. But the common symptoms include loss of appetite, unnatural drooling, nausea, dry heaving, frequent bowel movements, fever, weight loss, restlessness, and dehydration. 

Causes of Diarrhoea in Pets

1) Diet change

A sudden change in diet can give rise to diarrhoea since the permeation of new fibre or protein takes time to settle down and for the GI tract to get used to it. Abrupt changes can be challenging. So, if you plan to introduce a new diet, do it in a phased manner.

 2) Parasitic infections

Intestinal infections are one of the common reasons for diarrhoea in puppies, usually hereditary from being passed on to the pup by their mother. These infections are transmittable. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms are some common parasitic infections. 

3) Bacteria attack

Exposure to bacteria and viruses can also cause funny bowel movements in pets. Canine parvovirus is one such lethal virus that can lead to severe diarrhoea. Puppies are the ones most vulnerable to this particular virus. Poop eating can be one of the reasons for the invasion of bacteria; restraining that along with maintenance of hygiene can prevent bacterial infections. 

 4) Stress-induced

Stress is the cause of many problems in pets, diarrhoea being one of them. Negligence and detachment may cause separation anxiety in pets and increase stress levels, leading to diarrhoea. Usually, these are mild and get cured on their own. Subtle changes in diet, making it light and healthy, can do the trick of remedying it.

Treating mild diarrhoea at home

1) Rest

Sickness can cause a lot of weakness. Your pooch must get its fair share of rest to receive a speedy recovery. Make the litter area accessible to reduce the effort since excretion during diarrhoea tends to be frequent. 

2) Hydration

Diarrhoea can cause a profound loss of water. Hence, you must provide your pet with desired water to make up for it and never let your dog dehydrate. It is advised to substitute plain water with rice water to improve digestion, prevent bloating and gas accumulation, along with energizing your bub.

3) Diet 

Diet should mainly consist of bland and plain foods. For instance, boiled, skinless rice with chicken could be a wise option. Although, a specific duration of fasting is considered fruitful during this time. Consult an online vet doctor to know more about what to feed your pup. It’s always better to seek professional help regarding dietary habits.

If you observe signs of diarrhoea in your pet, use above mentioned tips to help them get better. But if you find no improvement within 2-3 days, it’s wise to check in with your doctor directly instead of experimenting with home remedies. It’s always better to diagnose and treat a disease in its early stage, reducing the risk and fatalities on health.

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