Jaldee Vets

dog scratcing due to ear infection

Ear Infection in Dogs: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Ear infections in dogs are a never-ending problem for pet parents. As a responsible pet parent, you must keep tabs on any infection your pooch may catch. Seeing your pet suffer while you stand clueless about their illness is heartbreaking. Therefore, we bring an overall analysis of any possible ear infection among dogs.

Types of Ear Infections

We must understand that the dog’s ears are very different from ours. For starters, their ear canal is vertical, unlike humans, which is horizontal. This vertical alignment makes dogs more prone to ear infections than the risk of any other disease. 

The medical term for “ear infection” is otitis, and there are mainly three types depending on the affected part of the ear. 

Otitis Externa

It is dogs’ most common ear infection and affects the outer ear canal. Allergies, parasites, or foreign objects in the ear often cause it. Another way to hurt the outer part of the ear is aggressive scratching. 

Otitis Media

As one can understand, this ear infection affects the middle ear. It is typically due to a disease that spreads from the outer ear. Otitis Media is generally an inflammation of the ear membrane. 

Otitis Interna

As it is now apparent, Otitis Interna refers to an ear infection in the inner ear. Even though it is the least common among the three types, it is the most severe condition that can cause permanent damage. Bacteria, viruses, or parasites are the leading cause of Otitis Interna. 


There are countless reasons for your pup to catch an ear infection. And factors like earwax buildup, too much moisture in the ear, and excess hair in the ear canal contribute to ear infections. However, the ultimate causes are listed below. 


Since dogs have sensitive ears and vertical ear canals, dust and debris can easily collect in their ears. It causes inflammation and irritation in the ear canal, ultimately causing an infection. 


Ear mites, ticks, and fleas are prevalent in dogs. Therefore, we must ensure our pal’s hygiene to avoid parasite infection. And similar to any allergy, parasites also cause inflammation and irritation in our pal’s ear. 

Foreign Bodies

Every dog loves playing in the dirt and rolling on the floor. It allows foreign objects like grass seeds, pollen, debris, and soil to contact their ear canal. It is ultimately causing infection and irritation. 


Many adorable pooch activities can be symptoms of an ear infection, like head shaking and tilting. Even though it is hard to catch an ear infection in dogs at an early age, some signs make it crystal-clear for pet owners. Watch out for these listed activities, which are definite signs of an ear infection.

Ear Scratching

It is an instinct of any living creature to scratch due to irritation. Dogs with ear infections may scratch their ears frequently or rub their ears against furniture, walls, or floors. Severe or not, visit a vet with your pet!


Pups shaking their heads look adorable and cuddly. However, frequent headshaking could be a sign of an ear infection. Dogs try to shake their heads and remove any dust inside their ear canal. 


Brown, yellow, or bloody discharge from your pet’s ear indicates a severe infection. It is generally a thick yellow liquid that collects in the ear canal, irritating our furry friends. It is a sign that you must clean your dog’s ear more often. 

Redness, Swelling, or Odor

These three symptoms are correlated and indicate an ear infection. A dog’s ear is light pink, and a color change is visible. Also, dog ears can get smelly when not clean or have an infection. 


There are no particular treatments for ear infections in dogs. Although, any severe condition has a solution in the name of surgery. Pet parents can opt for regularly cleaning their pet’s ear to avoid infection. And in this case, prevention is the best cure. Even the treatments for ear infections involve a combination of medication and cleaning. 

Nonetheless, having your dog’s ear examined by a veterinarian to determine any possible infection is essential. And in today’s modern era, Jaldee Vets offers online consultations for free for minor ailments, even for ear infections in dogs. Ultimately, it is up to the pet parents to take care of their furry friends with full attention and watch out for any symptoms. 

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