Jaldee Vets

dog sitting on the beach sand in summer

5 Tips to Help Our Strays Beat the Heat This Summer

The life of stray animals is even more challenging with the arrival of summer. They face a variety of health risks apart from their daily struggles. Extreme heat, humidity, and loo can cause dehydration, heatstroke, and sunburn. It even gets difficult for them to find shade and have proper rest. Steet animals can also suffer from pavement burns and heat exhaustion. Additionally, summer is the time when food can be scarce, adding to the problems of these poor souls. Nonetheless, summer can be miserable for stray animals, but there are many ways to help strays beat the heat and ensure that they remain healthy. It is up to us humans and our efforts to help those in need. 

5 Tips to Help the Strays Beat the Heat This Summer

Provide Access to Water

Dehydration is one of the biggest problems encountered during the summer days. With many small rivers and water-filled lands drying out, homeless animals have no water source. During hot summer days, ensuring the strays have access to clean drinking water is essential. Keeping a bowl of fresh water outside for stray animals requires little effort. One can also install a small, low-cost water fountain or provide access to a shallow pool of water to keep them cool. Regardless, our small effort can be life-changing for our furry friends. 

Provide Shade

We have concluded that providing shelter to all stray animals in a colony is impossible. However, creating shade around your house or colony park is an achievable target. Shade is essential to help the strays beat the heat. Therefore, make a tiny shade using cardboard, wood, or plastic sheets. Ensure the shelter is in a shaded area that provides adequate ventilation to keep the strays cool. We are responsible for looking after these poor homeless animals and ensuring that the stray animals have a roof over their head this summer. 

Look Out for Them and Provide a Helping Hand

While not all of you may be as concerned for animals as others, it wouldn’t hurt us to check up on our community animals occasionally. They can suffer from paw burns or heatstrokes and might need immediate veterinary help. Look for signs of illness like lethargy, panting, or excessive thirst. If you notice any health issues, consider online consultations with vets or visit them in severe cases. Remember, a small act of kindness can go a long way toward making a difference in the lives of strays. 

Provide a Cooling Pad

Pet owners will know how their furry friends love fans and air conditioners during summer. Imagine being on the road, lying on hot surfaces, and suffering from health issues. Asphalt and concrete surfaces become scorching hot during summer, leaving no space for street animals to rest. Cooling pads are a great way to help stray animals. Simply soak a towel in water and place it in the freezer for a few hours. The strays can rest on the pad, which will help lower their body temperature. Ultimately, they can have some momentary relaxation which will refresh them.

Raise Awareness

Raising awareness about the importance of caring for strays during summer is crucial. It is to help ensure that these animals receive the care they need to stay healthy and safe. We can raise awareness by spreading the word on social media so that more people can participate in the #StrayLivesMatter initiative. Speak to your friends, family, and neighbors to share ideas and encourage them to help stray animals. Lead by example and inspire others to get involved and help make a difference in the lives of strays. Educate kids from a young age about humanity and being kind to everyone. 

There are hundreds of other ways to contribute to the cause and make life easier for the stays of India. We can partner with local animal organizations, volunteer to help, and donate to animal shelters. Not having the time or resources to help these vulnerable animals is no excuse. So let’s promise to follow these tips this summer to help the strays beat the heat! 

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