Jaldee Vets

two stray cats wandering in the street

5 Ways Of Helping Stray Cats In India

As we talk about our #StrayLivesMatter initiative, we often tend to focus on stray dogs and overlook stray cats. They suffer as much as the dogs on the street, or even more. And how can we not mention the famous Indian myth? Cats crossing your path is always bad luck. The situation of Indian stray and feral cats is not pleasant. Some stray cats are lucky enough to live in areas where they receive food, shelter, and medical care. But mostly, they are subject to neglect, abuse, and cruelty from people who see them as nuisances, pests, or unlucky. There are so many ways of helping stray cats if one decides to, and here are some of them.

Are Stray Cats and Feral Cats Different?

There is a slight difference between a stray and a feral cat. So let’s make a clear-cut distinction. Feral cats are born and raised in the wild, often without human socialization. They tend to be more cautious of humans and avoid running into people. In comparison, stray cats are typically cats that once had a home but have become lost or abandoned. They generally socialize more with humans and often wander in the neighborhoods. The behavior of stray cats and feral cats can be quite different. 

However, let’s not differentiate when it comes to helping stray cats or feral cats. Both of them can benefit from humane care and attention. Even though there are many programs to help care for and control the population of these cats. As a part of society, we can make some efforts at the individual level. And as the summer hits the Indian subcontinent, life for these poor souls becomes even more miserable. 

5 Ways Of Helping Stray Cats 

Provide Food and Water Source

The appetite of stray cats is minimal. And they aren’t as picky as we think. One of the best ways of helping stray cats is by providing a good source of nutrition. While it may not take much of our time and effort, food and water can make an animal’s day. Preparing a bowl of water and getting a packet of biscuits takes less than 5 minutes. Chicken, packaged food, tuna, kibbles, or anything will help them have a good day. 

Build a Shelter

The heat can harm these tiny cats as we talk of the summers approaching the subcontinent. We can provide shelter in a cool place where they can rest safely. Nonetheless, a cover is needed yearly in chilly winters, striking summers, and heavy rains. Humans can make simple shelters using grass, warm clothes, boxes, husk, and many more environment-friendly options. A top can come as a blessing for cats. 

Adopt Friendly Stray Cats

Many communities have come up with adoption programs for stray cats. And people looking for pets and are ready for a cat should consider adopting one. While all street animals may not necessarily be friendly, it is crucial to understand that many stray and feral cats can be socialized and make great pets. Adopting a stray cat that you are providing a loving home to an innocent animal that might otherwise be living on the streets, exposed to dangers and hardships.

Call for Veterinary Help 

There are many incidents of animal cruelty all around the world. But only love can cut these actions of hate. So if you see an injured stray animal, call for veterinary help immediately. Injured cats may be in pain or shock and require immediate medical attention to prevent further suffering. Another act of kindness would be to comfort the hurt animal. Nonetheless, one must do everything in their power to help a poor little helpless cat. 

Donate to Animal Welfare Organizations

Many organizations and volunteers work for cats’ welfare mainly. One can regularly volunteer with animal welfare organizations to work to rescue and care for stray and feral cats. If not at an individual level, good deeds always help with humanitarian satisfaction. Another way of helping animal welfare organizations is by donating. They help hundreds of animals regularly, which requires a good amount of money and resources.

Nonetheless, there are hundreds of ways of helping stray cats. Similarly, educating others to care for stray and feral cats at an elementary level is important. And be the advocate for change!

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