Jaldee Vets

illustration of a cat's excessive hair fall

6 Ways To Control Your Pet’s Hair Fall

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that any human possessing a cutesy-little pet must be in want of a magic trick to keep their fur(s) at bay”. The quote might not be original, but the feelings most definitely are. Snuggling, cuddling and looking after the puppy is one of life’s most joyous pleasures. But, your pet’s constant hair fall all over your house can be a real pain in the rear.

Cats and dogs cannot be more different. Still, the one aspect that unites them fundamentally is the little balls of hair they leave behind. Be it the sleeves of your coat, the new rug you bought last week, or even your darling bed linens. It is EVERYWHERE! Usually, the massive-shredding cycle pays its visit once or twice a year. There’s no denying the fact that the constant falling of hair isn’t a nuisance all year long. Getting rid of your furry animal is no option, but getting rid of that fur hair is. So, here are some tips to help you control your pet’s hair fall.


Starting with basics, it is a much wiser option to vacuum that hair away daily rather than hoarding up the dust for longer durations. This doesn’t mean you must go on a cleaning spree every day, only to brush and broom off regularly and deep clean once or twice a week. 

2. Grooming is how we do it

Always be one step ahead of that menace of a shedding. Grooming and brushing are your best friends when reducing hair shedding. Brushing your pet often can prove to be kryptonite at times. Different options serve distinct hair types and perform varied functions, so suit your pet with the perfect brush.

3. Tis is bathing time

As much as your heart cries to see your pooch whine and flinch at the very sight of that bathing basket, you have got to take the big dive. Bathing not only cleans them up and removes the smell but also helps remove loose fur that might end up devouring your cushion or linens. Make sure to use the hair products that are reserved for pets only. Certain products are specifically designed to reduce shedding in pets, do your research and choose well.

4. A healthy diet every day, keeps shedding at bay! 

Shedding is a natural part of your pet’s being. Thus it isn’t possible to do away with it altogether. But you can provide them with a diet rich in nutrition that would make your fur bub healthy and keep at bay any deficiency looming up their way to increase excessive shedding. A good mix of proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids always does the trick, but it’s suggested to consult the vet once for the same. 

5. Some things have to stay off limits.

It might look harsh, but if you don’t want furs roaming in some specific sphere of your house, you have to grow a thick skin and keep those places off limits for your pooch. One way to make that easier is by providing your pet with a separate sleeping area, where they can snuggle and curl up all they want without leaving slivers of hair in unwanted places. 

6. Exercise and more Exercise

The major shredding more likely happens around the time when taking your dog outdoors is pretty feasible, mainly during the summer or spring. A Sunday stroll down the green street or a park day is highly advised to avoid shedding indoors. Regular Exercise in your pet’s daily routine can go a long way in maintaining their health and warding off any health-related issues. 

Although shedding in pets is nothing extraordinary, if you are observing excessive, it would be better to resort to Vet Appointments. Shedding more than the average rate can result from health issues or allergies. Parenting has its ups and downs, but they’re nothing a good care can’t help. Use the above-listed tricks and trips to make life easier for you and your furry babe.


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