Jaldee Vets

travelling with pets

5 Useful Tips For Travelling With Pets

The cosy season of Christmas lights and sweet, delicious delights is right here to wrap us all in warm linens. The long nights, warm food, fuzzy hot chocolate syrups, and comfy sweaters, but above all, memorable family trips come with winter’s joy. But imagine where all the family members are packing their stuff with joy, looking forward to the fun-filled excursion that waits ahead. While on the other corner of the house, your puppy, with its doe-eyes, watches everyone leave, and despite the woofing, all they would be left with is the clockwork routine of care while you trot off to lively vacation. This all sounds too depressing, and rightfully so, as who appreciated being left behind? Pet owners tend to be very sceptical about travelling with their pets, owing to the fear of risk and toll all travellings may induce upon your furry pal. Despite how challenging the travel with your pet is, leaving them behind feels painstakingly harder. With proper planning and just a pinch of extra care, you can make this challenge seem like a cakewalk.

Keep those docs in check

Before travelling with pets, ensure you have extensively surfed through all the rules and regulations. Whether a road trip, train journey or aviation, they all have pointers and procedures for pet travel. Depending on what means you opt for, do thorough research. 

Keep the vaccination documents and other dosage reports handy. If you travel overseas or abroad, your pet might be required to get some specific vaccinations. So, it’s always better to check for these beforehand and get them done ASAP. Every means of transport might require unique documents, so while doing the documentation part, check in with the airlines and prepare accordingly. 

Pack the Essentials 

While you are stuffing in your joggers, tees, travel meds, and snacks, make sure to cross off the essentials of your favourite pal. Carry important pet items such as a leash, poop bags, essential medicines, blankets, towels, ID tags, pet toys and grooming accessories. Always keep the travel documents handy and consult an online vet in advance. They will be able to provide the necessary meds and antibiotics your baby boo may need during the journey. Whilst travelling with pets, ensure you are packed with sufficient water so your pet remains hydrated. 

Pet breaks

Like us humans, pets also tend to get anxious during travels, in fact, more so. If you are on an extended tour, take frequent breaks to let the cute member of your family, while around in the open, breathe in some fresh air. During these breaks, take them on short walks, and play with them. This will make them feel refreshed and lively, lowering their travel anxiety. 

Pets also tend to possess smaller bladders than us, so it’s suggested to stop after every hour or two. This will keep any discomfort or pet accidents at bay while travelling. 

Motion sickness

Another thing that you and your baby pal share is vulnerability to sickness during journeys. Sitting inside that moving car for long hours may make your buddy feel sick to the stomach and act out. Give your pet a medicine dosage for motion sickness around half an hour before heading out. Consult an online vet to know which medicine best suits your pet, as it often varies from animal to animal. 

Be considerate of co-travellers

While travelling with your pet, you should indulge them in every bit of fun that the trip has to offer. Amidst the joy you are exercising with your puppy, try not to compromise with the discomfort of others. Wherever you go, there is a mix of crowds; some vastly admire pets, while some show their love from a distance. If your pet is repulsive to a stranger’s touch or anything, make it clear to people approaching. Train your dog in advance, so the trip becomes more accessible and comfortable for you and the people around you. 

We know too much of Dos and Don’ts can be exhausting, but it’s not such an arduous task when done with good planning. Jaldee Vet blogs are here to help you with all your pet-related questions, follow for more. 

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