Jaldee Vets

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5 Effective Ways To Bond With Your Cat

We all love your doe-eyed, swishy-tailed, feline darling. The lovely child swoons and is all cheery with one brush of a calming pat. But the darned fortune of busy life and hectic schedule, with a truck-load of work pressure, often doesn’t allow us to make the time to grace and embrace ourselves with the furry presence. The common notion associated with cats is that they tend to be more aloof and nudged in their isolation time compared to dogs. This belief may give birth to the state of neglect by pet parents towards their cats, assuming they don’t need as much time or care from their caregivers. But this can’t be far from true. Spending more time with your cat can lead to a long-lasting bond of love and joy between you and them. 


To bond things up with your bub, you must excite the “us” time. And to do that, you need to be aware of the likings of your feral friend. Possibly, your pal likes a specific set of things, and you might not know it. But worry not; make some time to figure out the activities or stuff that your darling enjoys. Observe your cat and be on the lookout to note what cheers them up.

Space is what they need sometimes

No doubt your feline friend will indefinitely admire your time together, playing, chasing toys or anything you indulge in. However, cats cherish their “me” time just as much. Not that your presence drains them of energy, but sometimes they might need some space as an innate instinct. It is highly recommended to provide your cats with what is widely called “safety space” where they can run off in times of overwhelmedness or when they need an escape. Try keeping this space in some raised spot or a place at an increased height, for cats prefer it that way.

Training can be helpful

Training a dog is widely advertised, with its effects proving to be super beneficial for their health and behavioural development. Training your cat can be just as fruitful for the same reasons as boosting your bond with them. Start with baby steps, for instance, treating them for the behaviour you want to promote. Food is an excellent motivation for cats, so try some of that while training your pal.

Treat them up

There is also a very simplistic and easy road towards cheering your bub up—treats and goodies. Bestowing your pet with their favourite pleasures or edibles can help strengthen the bond significantly.

Patience is a vital virtue

Bonding is an erratic process. Sometimes it may happen within the first few hours, and other times, it may take weeks. Whatever the duration of building a bond, the fruits it bores afterwards are remarkable and ever-cherishing. So, hold your heart with great patience and calmness. It might be possible that, for some reason, the process might get abrupt, but don’t fret, pick yourself up and keep the drill going. The love you receive at the end of this road is worth every ounce of your patience. 

Give your furry darling time to settle and take things at their own pace. There may come a time when all of the efforts seem in vain, but have faith that it’s not. Hold on to the patience, hope and love you share for each other. Above are some tips to help you to build an ever-lasting bond with your cat. Follow Jaldee Vets Blog for regular and excellent advice on good pet parenting. 

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